Kimberly Hamlin Gives Talk TODAY at Noon: "Finding Sex and Gender in the (History of Science) Archive"

Dr. Kimberly Hamilin, Associate Professor of American Studies at Miami University of Ohio, will give a talk today at noon in Garrison 1.102. Hamilin's lecture, entitled "Finding Sex and Gender in the (History of Science) Archive," will consider the relationship between scientific study, gender, and the women's rights movements of the nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries.Hamlin is the author of From Eve to Evolution: Darwin, Science, and Women's Rights in Gilded Age America (2014, University of Chicago Press). She received her PhD from the University of Texas at Austin.Hamlin talk poster


"Heart of the Mission": An Interview with Dr. Cary Cordova


Leif Fredrickson to Give Pubic Lecture this Monday (2/19) morning: "The Age of Lead: How Suburbanization Poisoned the Inner City"