Dr. Gavin Benke
A little update on what Gavin is up to post AMS at UT: “I'm a senior lecturer in the College of Arts and Sciences Writing Program at Boston University. I've also served as a steward for BU's non-TT faculty union (and am generally an active union member). In terms of research/writing: In 2018, I published a book based on my dissertation. This winter, I have a history of capitalism supplemental textbook coming out. Otherwise, I've been doing the usual book reviews, op-eds, articles, etc. (and I was on Vice TV talking about Enron last fall). Overall, Boston is great and things are going well. Now that the pandemic is subsiding a little bit here, I'm easing my way back into playing and jazz jams, which has been really nice.”
Check out Risk and Ruin Enron and the Culture of American Capitalism here.
Check out Capitalism and Individualism in America here.