Announcement: Texas Book Fest
This weekend is Austin’s annual Texas Book Festival, and we here at AMS :: ATX would like to point to some people you might like to see while you’re at the Capitol this weekend.First and foremost is our very own Steve Hoelscher, who will be talking about Reading Magnum, the book he edited celebrating the history and archive of the Magnum photographic agency, the latter of which is now part of the collection at the Harry Ransom Center, at 3:30 on Sunday. You can find more info about Dr. Hoelscher’s book here. Info on the talk can be found here.
With the rest of your weekend, here’s some other stuff to seek out:SaturdayAt 10:00 AM, check out Adan Medrano, who will discuss Texas-Mexican American cuisine, or go hear Douglas Brinkley, John Dean, and Luke Nichter talk Richard Nixon’s presidency.At 11:00 AM, Charles Blow talks his memoir Fire Shut Up In My Bones, while Tiphanie Yanique and Jess Row discuss Constructing Racial Identity in a globalized world at 11:30.At 1:00 PM, Austinite Austin Kleon and Joshua Wolf Shenk have A Conversation on Creativity, while Ofir Touche Gafla and Jeff VanderMeer discuss science fiction in The Stuff of Stars at 1:45.At 2:00 PM, novelist Elizabeth Crook talks Monday, Monday, her novelization of the Texas Tower Sniper.At 3:00 PM, S.C. Gwynne discusses his new biography of Stonewall Jackson and Francis Fukuyama talks the development of political institutions and his new book Political Order, Political Decay.At 4:00, Josh Ostergaard maps baseball onto American politics and culture in Let’s Play Ball, while Robert Bryce and Russell Gold talk the future of energy technology in Here Comes the Boom. Sunday 11:15 AM, Tim Lane talks comics and his new book Lonesome Go.12:00 PM, Adam Rogers discusses The Science of Booze.At 1:30 PM, Luara Damon-Moore and Erinn Batykefer talk their book An Artist’s Library, their Library as Incubator Project and how to build strong relationships between artists and libraries.At 2:15 PM, Michael Ruhlman tells of the many ways to cook an egg.At 3:30, members of the cast and crew of the movie Boyhood, including director Richard Linklater and star Ellar Coltrane, come together to talk spending twelve years making a movie.For a full schedule with room assignments, check our the Texas Book Festival schedule here.