Religions Texas: Mapping Religious Diversity, A Consultation

billieholidayflier170125This week, there will be a "consultation" on campus called Religions Texas: Mapping Diversity. The program features both a talk and a keynote by Arizona State University professor of Religious Studies Tracy Fessenden. The talk (poster above), which is to be 7:30 PM Wednesday night at the Historic Victory Grill on East 11th, will feature Fessenden discussing work from her new book "Religions Around Billie Holiday" and performances of Holiday's music by Austin musician Pam Hart. The keynote (poster below), Thursday night at 6 PM in the Glickman Center, CLA 1.302E, is called "Mapping Religion in Post-Secular Landscape."Finally, on Friday will be the "consultation," a series of panels beginning at 8:00 AM, in SAC 2.120, on such topics as "The Study of Religions in Texas," "Mapping Religion and Digital Humanities," and "Religious Literacy, Pedagogy, and Public Humanities."We hope to see you there.religionstx-keynote


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